Bill of Materials provides management with the capability to define product structures and maintain important engineering information.
Product Capabilities
- Supports multi-level Bills of Material
- Allows for forecasted, active, and obsolete components
- Provides a pick list by bill
- Maintains unlimited notes for all components
- Supports unlimited Bills of Material per part by allowing multiple engineering and release numbers per part
- Supports reference designators for each component
- Supports modular and obsolete bills
- Supports forecasted/planning bills
- Prints a Bill of Materials Cost Report providing material cost analysis by average, standard, or last cost
Application Details
- Multi-level Bill of Materials supports up to 99 levels of different product structures.
- Bill of Materials Cost Analysis Report provides material costs by average, standard, or last costs.
- Bill of Materials maintains multiple engineering release and revision numbers for each bill of material.
- Effectivity Date Capability supports planning for forecasted and/or obsolete items. Pick list provides the component quantities with the drawing and revision number required to produce a product.
- Unlimited notes for each component allow configuration instructions for assisting production personnel with product assembly.
- Component Scrap Factors provide management with the ability to accurately estimate inventory usage.
- Mass Item Replacement allows replacement of obsolete part numbers.
- Copy Bill of Materials function allows quick replication of standard or similar products.
- Summarized Bill of Materials Report shows all the components by quantity required through the lowest level. It is the classical parts list (each part listed once) with the total quantity-required at all levels to make one item.
- Single Level Bill Inquiry Report displays all components for the first level of a product configuration or kit.
- The Bill of Materials interface with Shop Floor Control will incorporate notes with the "traveler" or the Shop Packet Report.
- The Where Used Report identifies all parent items for selected component items used.
- Additional reports are available, as well as the capability to create and customize individual reports.
- My ERP's Bill of Materials is fully integrated with the standard My ERP security application. User passwords will provide controlled access to the Bill of Materials module.
System Integration
- Bill of Materials requires Inventory Management and interfaces with Configuration Management, Shop Floor Control, Material Requirements Planning, Master Scheduling, and Customer Order Processing.
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